What’s front and center in your business?
Is it you, the business owner? Is it the product or service you offer, or the experiences you create for your clients?
A strong video strategy answers these questions.
Video tells your story and it can tell your client’s story (and why they should look at your brand for solutions to a perceived problem). It can highlight the way your business can make them feel, or simply show them how to engage with you. Video is the closest thing to actually being with you in person or touching/feeling your product or service.
We believe modern storytelling through the art of video is the most powerful way to connect with potential customers, drive conversions, and show them why you are the BEST in your field. Video has a tremendous trickle-down effect and why our clients today choose us to help them with a video-first business strategy, then plug in the other components of a solid marketing plan (email, social, advertising, etc.) to move the needle forward.
We’ve worked with clients on a variety of different video projects, but here are a few of the ways we can work together:
- Brand Story
- Advertisement
- Event Highlight/Promotional Campaign
- Podcast/Youtube
- Social Media Content
- Documentaries
Brand Story
Think of brand stories as a way to capture the essence of your business, through interviews with key stakeholders; like leadership, customers, and employees; mixed with b-roll that helps communicate the who, what, and why of your business.
Advertising comes in all shapes and sizes, and we can work with you to develop an entire campaign across social, TV, and OTT, create a handful of product overviews for e-commerce, or a few simple videos to run on Meta or other platforms to drive conversions, sales, new subscribers, or whatever your business goals may be.
We’ve produced recruitment videos for many non-profit organizations and government entities.
We can provide a variety of solutions to promote, stream live, or capture the day to share post-event with those who couldn’t make it.