
Shoemaker Films Client Journey: From Single Videos to Ongoing Success

Navigating the world of video production can feel overwhelming, especially for businesses venturing into this powerful marketing tool for the first time. Shoemaker Films understands this, and that’s why we offer a client experience tailored to your specific needs. Whether you require a single, impactful brand story video or a steady stream of social media content, we have you covered. This blog post will unveil our client journey, guiding you through our two main engagement models: single project engagements and video marketing retainers.

Single Project Engagements: Crafting Your Vision into Reality

Imagine needing a captivating video to introduce your brand or capture the essence of a special event. This is where our single project engagements come in. Perfect for businesses with a specific video goal in mind, this streamlined process ensures a collaborative and efficient experience.

1. Discovery: Understanding Your Needs

Our journey begins with a discovery session – a chance for us to connect and truly understand your vision. This initial meeting, typically lasting 30-60 minutes, can be conducted in person, via Zoom, or Google Meet. During this session, we’ll delve into your project goals, target audience, desired look and feel, and budget. Think of it as brainstorming with video production experts! We’ll also discuss timelines and answer any questions you might have.

2. Contract & Proposal: Setting the Stage for Success

Following the discovery session, we’ll craft a proposal outlining the project details. This one-page document summarizes the key points discussed, including deliverables, timelines, and costs. Accompanying the proposal will be a formal contract, ensuring clear expectations and a smooth collaboration.

3. Pre-Production: Planning Makes Perfect

Once you’ve given the green light, pre-production commences. This crucial phase involves in-depth planning sessions where we refine the video concept. We’ll work collaboratively to identify the target audience, desired video format (e.g., brand story, explainer video), and distribution channels. Expect to discuss the look and feel, incorporating your brand guidelines and exploring potential references.

A Creative Brief: Your Project Roadmap

A hallmark of our pre-production process is the creation of a detailed creative brief. This 10-15 page document serves as your project roadmap, outlining everything from the target audience and video goals to the distribution strategy and production timeline. It comprehensively answers essential questions like where the video will be seen (TV, online) and who the key players involved in production will be.

4. Production: Lights, Camera, Action!

With a meticulously planned pre-production phase, the production stage becomes a seamless experience. Depending on the project’s complexity, the shoot could be a one-day affair or span a few days. Our experienced team, typically led by a director (often myself!), will ensure a professional and efficient filming experience.

5. Post-Production: Where the Magic Happens

Post-production is where the raw footage transforms into the polished video you envisioned. This stage involves music selection – we’ll curate options that perfectly complement your video’s tone and message. Crucially, we believe in collaboration; you’ll receive the first draft for review, allowing you to provide feedback. We utilize Vimeo, a platform with commenting features, ensuring clear communication and a streamlined revision process.

6. Delivery & Beyond: Ensuring Success

Once you’re thrilled with the final video, it’s time for launch! Our services extend beyond delivery; we’ll collaborate to ensure successful video placement, whether on your website or social media channels. For social media deliverables, we can even assist with optimizing the video for specific platforms like Instagram, considering crucial aspects like aspect ratio.

Video Marketing Retainers: Your Ongoing Content Creation Partner

Perhaps your video needs extend beyond a single project. This is where our video marketing retainers come into play. Ideal for businesses seeking consistent video content creation, this model allows you to establish a long-term partnership with Shoemaker Films.

1. Discovery: Charting Your Content Course

Similar to single project engagements, the journey begins with a discovery session. Here, we’ll delve into your content goals, target audience, and preferred video formats (e.g., podcast episodes, social media videos). Understanding your content strategy is paramount for crafting a retainer that aligns with your vision.

2. Sales & Agreement: Building a Collaborative Foundation

Following the discovery session, we’ll establish a clear pricing structure for the retainer. This monthly fee will cover ongoing video content creation, ensuring budget predictability for you.

3. Content Strategy: Your Roadmap to Success

A core aspect of our video marketing retainers is the development of a comprehensive content strategy. This 5-15 page document serves as the blueprint for your video content creation journey. Here’s what you can expect it to cover:

  • Goals & Objectives: We’ll clearly define your video content goals, whether it’s driving brand awareness, increasing website traffic, or boosting social media engagement.
  • Target Audience: Understanding your ideal viewer ensures content resonates and achieves its intended impact.
  • Platforms & Formats: We’ll determine the most suitable video platforms (e.g., YouTube, Instagram) and formats (e.g., explainer videos, customer testimonials) based on your target audience and goals.
  • Success Metrics: Defining success metrics allows us to track the effectiveness of your video content and make data-driven decisions for optimization.

Beyond Content Strategy: A Streamlined Workflow

Our video marketing retainers offer a seamless workflow, taking the burden of video content creation off your shoulders. Here’s how it works:

  • Pre-Production & Planning: We’ll handle meticulous pre-production planning for each video, ensuring a consistent look and feel while maintaining content freshness.
  • Regular Filming: Based on your retainer agreement, we’ll conduct regular filming sessions at your location (or ours, if needed) to capture fresh content.
  • Expert Editing & Delivery: Our team of skilled editors will transform raw footage into polished videos that deliver your message effectively.
  • Social Media Management (Optional): For an additional layer of support, we can manage your social media channels, uploading videos, crafting engaging captions, and interacting with your audience.
  • Monthly Reporting & Optimization: Transparency is key. We’ll provide monthly reports detailing video performance metrics and collaborate with you to refine your content strategy based on data insights.

The Benefits of Partnering with Shoemaker Films

Whether you require a captivating single project video or a steady stream of video content, partnering with Shoemaker Films offers a multitude of benefits:

  • Experienced Team: Our team of video production experts brings extensive knowledge and creativity to the table, ensuring high-quality productions.
  • Streamlined Process: We handle everything from concept to delivery, freeing you to focus on running your business.
  • Collaborative Approach: We value collaboration and communication, ensuring your vision is brought to life.
  • Data-Driven Optimization: We leverage data insights to optimize your video content for maximum impact.
  • Scalability: Our services adapt to your needs. Start with a single project and seamlessly transition to a retainer as your video content marketing goals evolve.

Ready to Craft Your Video Storytelling Journey?

At Shoemaker Films, we’re passionate about helping businesses leverage the power of video to achieve their marketing goals. We invite you to explore our portfolio and contact us today to discuss your vision. Together, we can craft a video storytelling journey that propels your brand forward.

P.S. Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on Instagram (@Shoemakerfilms) for valuable video marketing insights and inspiration!